

11 Things That Can Kill You Before Your Time Nobody knows for sure when anyone will cease to breathe in this world, but then, certain factors can hasten the process if care is not taken. So, if you don’t want to die before your time, avoid these 11 things, especially number 10. 1. Googling your symptoms If you Google your symptoms EVERY TIME you feel sick, then there’s nothing more to say to you except that a doctor is your friend, not Google. 2. Living in Lagos Living in Lagos is an extreme sport that even the strong are slowly dying from. It is a breeding ground for self annihilation. Live there at your own risk. 3. Sapa There’s a certain level of “broke” you’ll be that even checking your account balance can give you an instant cardiac arrest. Nice one, sapa . 4. Eating like a thief Especially if you eat between 12 a.m and 4 a.m. then I’m sorry, but your last days might be near. 5. Drinking panadol for other people’s headache To avoid this, apply the almighty formula: dri...


Things you can do to make your cooking gas last longer With the rising cost of cooking gas today, there are a few things you can do to make your cooking gas last longer. Doing them will also ultimately help you cut down on your monthly gas expense and get you additional savings. 1 Match your pot to the right burner There is a reason why some gas cookers have multiple burners with different sizes. If you’re cooking using a big pot, use the big burner and if it is a small pot, use the smallest burner. This way, the amount of gas burn will be equal to the size of the burner. Using small pots on a big burner will only be a waste of cooking gas. 2 Use metal-made cooking pan and pots Metals such as stainless steel are good conductors of heat. For cooking to occur, heat generated in the flame must reach the food and hence pans made of good conductors of heat are more efficient 3 Keep your cooking pots outer surfaces clean and shining Uncleaned, black and soot-stained outer cooking...


WHAT IS ALWAYS MAINTAIN, LAST LONG!πŸ‡If you want to maintain your moneyπŸ’°, you invest it. πŸ‡If you want to maintain your marriage, you create time to give love πŸ’ž and show care. πŸ‡If you want your house 🏠 to always look new, you renovate it when it starts looking old. πŸ‡If you want to maintain a good relationship, πŸ‘©‍❤️‍πŸ‘¨ you solve issue once they arises.πŸ‡If you want to maintain your academic grade's, read πŸ“š to understand, what you don't know or understand ask those who have the knowledge to explain to you.πŸ‡If you want to maintain your job, πŸ‘©‍⚕️ do what is needed to avoid being sacked.πŸ‡If you want to maintain good attitude or good manners, avoid bad company and keep good ones.πŸ‡If you want to maintain good friendship, show true and selfless care (not for selfish gain).πŸ‡If you want to maintain an intimate relationship with God, read his word, πŸ“– meditate on it and practice it also.Thanks for reading, have a lovely day!


DATE: THURSDAY 14TH OCTOBER 2021. THEME: PRIDE DESTROYS MEMORISE But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble. James 4:6 READ: Isaiah 14:12-15 12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! 13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: 14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. 15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit. MESSAGE The Bible says in Proverbs 16:18: “Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.” As we see in our Bible reading of today, Lucifer, who later became the devil, was thrown out of heaven because of pride. “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how...

officer shoot innocent 13th of October

Yesterday there is a guy named onabanjo akorede he was coming on her way from ijebu ode on the 13-10-2021 on reaching Oru ijebu side there was a MOPOL trying to stop them and begging for money, unfortunately they couldn't afford anything to give out, Suddenly on getting back to their car a police shoot is leg and ran away


¶Are you ready for the After-Life?? ¶Are you sure of your post-life Destination?? ¶Do you believe in his salvation of our soul aswell as the aftermath inheritance in his kingdom?? The existence of life after death is a universal question. Job speaks for all of us by stating, “Man born of woman is of few days and full of trouble. He springs up like a flower and withers away; like a fleeting shadow, he does not endure....If a man dies, will he live again?” (Job 14:1-2, 14). Like Job, all of us have been challenged by this question. Exactly what happens to us after we die? Do we simply cease to exist? Is life a revolving door of departing and returning to earth in order to eventually achieve personal greatness? Does everyone go to the same place, or do we go to different places? Is there really a heaven and hell? The Bible tells us that there is not only life after death, but eternal life so glorious that “no eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined w...


 Yesterday, I went to First Bank to use the ATM I got there and looked around and joined the long queue. A young lady came to meet me and asked how much I wanted to withdraw. She said she over withdrew money; She was supposed to withdraw 3k but mistakenly pressed 30k. She will give me 20k cash, I will transfer it to her account. This is what shocked me; I have been standing on the queue for approximately 5mins and I never saw this Lady around that ATM, she wasn't on the queue, she never made any withdrawal. Which ATM did she use in getting the 30k? I told her I will wait for my turn, she left my side, I asked the man in my front, did you see this lady around? I wanted to point her but the Lady had disappeared, I didn't see her again. I told the man what she said and he laughed and said it is an old logic. They come with fake naira notes claiming they mistakenly pressed and withdraw the wrong amount When you are in a hurry to leave the long queue, you transfer the money to them ...